all my gsp,una,bbgn,1+4mrrd10gbbst+%1+100%400= pgn+4sg+sbr+b100+healthfood+
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++newidea, writing, pic, vid+++++++++++++++++++++++
==copy to right places====
general to edit
Four Seasons Celebration
Spring Show, exhibition, celebration and party events
All new, advance, upgrade, updates, the best Professional and Export People, Products, Services, and Information
for Four Seasons Living, Gardening, Farming, Growing plus
For Smart eBooks Reading Smartphone, Tablets, Laptops, Desktop Computers, Robots, AI, Information Technology
Four Seasons Party Shows, Exhibitions, Markets plus
4 times a year, 40 times on 10 year and 400 times each 100 year
++++ Best Shows For 21th Century 21 day of seasonal months ++++
21 March Spring Seasons Party Shows, Exhibitions, Markets plus
21 June Summer Seasons Party Shows, Exhibitions, Markets plus
21 September Fall Seasons Party Shows, Exhibitions, Markets plus
21 December Winter Seasons Party Shows, Exhibitions, Markets plus
+ 14th of the month Full moon monthly Party Shows, Exhibitions, Markets plus 10 or 12 a year 100 each 10 year [ each with chosen theme by voting to choose topic of the month + now only suggesting for nomination ]
24 hours show, starts from
![A harvest moon. Its orange color is due to greater Rayleigh scattering as the moon appears close above the horizon, rather than being unique to harvest moons.[14]](
6 Am to 12 pm Earth and foods and four Season Gardening Specials
12 Pm to 6 pm Sun and Sunshine and energy Specials
6 Pm to 12 am Full moon Specials
12 Am to 6 am Stars, sky and space specials
![The full Moon of 22 October 2010, as seen through a 235 mm (9.25 in) Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope. This full Moon was near its northernmost ecliptic latitude (or northern lunistice), so the southern craters are especially prominent and cast shadows visible from Earth.](
1+ January all nights Better and Healthy living resolution Specials
2+ February Valentine honeymoon Full moon special
3+ March moon literature, poem, stories and cultural
4+ April Science fictions books, movies … Specials
5+ May
6+ June 21 longest day Sun and Sun shine Specials
7+ July Summer stars and sky and space science and technology Specials
8+ August all nature, and living vegetation animals at full moon Specials
9+ September ( open for best suggestions )
10+ October all moon related gold, Jewelry, arts and painting, clothing, other products and services
11+ November remembering and memorial specials ( closer 11 month 11 day )
12+ December longest night and moon Specials
![This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is im304-461px-Seasonearth.png](
1 one Seasons Gardening and Farming to ++++
2 two Seasons Gardening and Farming to ++++
3 three Seasons Gardening and Farming to ++++
4 Seasons Gardening and Farming to ++++
Global Four Seasons Gardening and Farming plus
100+ Best 100 plus pages goals
and some other available Information,
Products and Services plus….
For more information please contact:
Rose and Roses
1 red rose, one red rose, 1 goal,
1 vision, 1 passion, 1 mission,
the best of now plus
better best looks, smell, touch, tast,
100 + flowers, 100+ petals
100 + growing, blossom, to rise roses,
remaining, 4 seasons, 100 +
100 + medial benefits for long live-ties,
100 + variety of use
100 to 400 billion dollars new investment
research and developments
collecting most Writing, poetry, painting,
pictures, videos, films, quetions,
Wikipedia 10 time 100/000 pages, pictures,
serial, movies, songs,
gardens, stores, ideas, clothing, fashions
perfums, audtulet, audcolons
drinks, add to juices, smoothies, teas, herbal teas, medision, foods, recipes
shows, exhibitions, markets, shops
schools, universities, classes
special packages for kids, teens, young, middle ages, senior and centenarians,
best cleaning, soups, body lotions, shampoos, lip ,
4 seasons roses and flowers
![This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is rosy.jpg](
1234 roses
1+ red rose ( spring roses )
2+ yellow roses ( summer roses )
3+ 4 color or mixed color roses ( fall roses )
4+ white roses ( winter roses )
Smart Rosy and Rosalind
Smart humans with smart goals and smartphones at smart information age.
Rose and roses the best flower and most beautiful looks, lovely smell and fragrant and delishs flower petal to eat.
1 one rose, red rose, four seasons rose, the key to open up the door of mystery of secrets nature and universe to any curious mind and all humanity.
4 seasons roses and flowers
1234 roses
1+ red rose ( spring roses )
2+ yellow roses ( summer roses )
3+ 4 color or mixed color roses ( fall roses )
4+ white roses ( winter roses )
Smart Rosy and Rosalind
Smart humans with smart goals and smartphones at smart information age.
Rose and roses the best flower and most beautiful looks, lovely smell and fragrant and delishs flower petal to eat.
1 one rose, red rose, four seasons rose, the key to open up the door of mystery of secrets nature and universe to any curious mind and all humanity.
To be Listening to the Shakespeares global friends
To be Talking to the Shakespeares global friends
To be Reading about the Shakespeares global friends
To be writing about the Shakespeares global friends
flowers, Shakespeares global friends, English
to be the Shakespeare global English friends or not to be, that is the question?
to be the listening to global English friends or not to be, that is the question?
to be able to listen
To be Listening about Roses [ specially with lovely song and music
To be Talking about roses
To be Reading about roses
To be writing about roses and flowers
flowers, Skakespeares global friends, English
To be looking to beauty of roses
To be smelling the fragrance of Roses
To be drinking rose water and eating roses petal
To be touching Roses lovely petals and putting on the body
To be focused on roses
To be concentrate on one red rose
To be giving full attention to 1 rose
To be meditating and contemplating on 1 Rose
Spiriually above
materially, physically, in reality, naturally, 4s gardens roses and flowers, fr,vg
emotionally, subconsciously, feelingly, genetically, instinctively,
intellectually words, sounds, languages, Shakespeare, as you like it, Rosalind
The smart Goal Setting for 4 Seasons Gardening have chosen Rose as a symbol, 1 red rose as a first and the best symbols of all other roses, flowers, seasons and nature. one red rose, one yellow rose, one pink rose and one multi color roses.
one rose
Rose and Roses
1 red rose, one red rose, 1 goal,
1 vision, 1 passion, 1 mission,
the best of now plus
better best looks, smell, touch, tast,
100 + flowers, 100+ petals
100 + growing, blossom, to rise roses,
remaining, 4 seasons, 100 +
100 + medial benefits for 100 plus healthy living . long live-ties,
100 + variety of use
100 to 400 billion dollars new investment
research and developments
collecting most Writing, poetry, painting,
pictures, videos, films, quetions,
Wikipedia 10 time 100/000 pages, pictures,
serial, movies, songs,
gardens, stores, ideas, clothing, fashions
perfums, audtulet, audcolons
drinks, add to juices, smoothies, teas, herbal teas, medision, foods, recipes
shows, exhibitions, markets, shops
schools, universities, classes
special packages for kids, teens, young, middle ages, senior and centenarians,
best cleaning, soups, body lotions, shampoos, lip ,
to humans to lovers, to friends, to families, to parents, to brothers, to sisters,
to hasbents to wife,girlfriend , boyfriend to grandness,
to teachers, to students, to bosses, to employees,
to poets, to writers, to artist, to actors, to actresses, to painters,
to librarians, to readers, to book lovers, to friend of libraries
i hope you accept this one 1 red rose as a token or representative of my love and friend ships to you,
always remember in million years of history band future i’m giving to you, only you
as a my reader, very special reader, smart reader, smart ebooks reader,
what do you saw its what to ripe
giving is a receiving,
ladies and gentleman most of global four season gardens can be uderstan and learn with this smart rosy.
smart rosy is picture and video of one red rose in the smartphone memory with with apps.
about smartphone we going to go to smart city, smart stores, smart 101 big super computers.
about roses we going to go rose gardens and rose store to continue our story..
so our goal now is to tell you story of smart rosy. Linda ask everyone to look her and pice one red rose and give to bokda.
He starts by saying: as you see this rose is just one red rose was piked from so many roses. I put under a smartphone camera and make one picture from that, and now we call that smart rosy. and start to know it.
this rose going to be our key to know most of agree culture age four seasons gardening and long levity, and this smartphone key to the industrial and information age.
as we walk in our right hand sight as you see is all about rose show and exhibition and markets
and in our left hand sight smartphone shows, exhibition and markets and as we walk
Best 100 Information, eBooks, Books, Products and Services plus lots of Promotional Contents about , Free for all Visitors
1+ smartphone and 2+ roses
3+ smart learning English languages and 4+Shakespeare as you like it Rosalind
Smart eBooks Reading
Global Four Seasons Foods and Drinks ( Diet )
1+ All Natural, live healthy Foods ( preferably Fresh, Raw, organics, locals, ) Fruits, Vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, herbs, greens, sprouts, honey, salt, water, juices, smoothies, salads, seaweeds, ( green color by signs )
2+ All natural healthy foods above cooked and vegetarian healthy Foods ( yellow color by sign )
3+ All natural foods above, and vegetarian plus all kinds diary, eggs, meats, sea foods ( red color by sign )
4+ All kinds of foods above plus natural, process, chimerical like sugar, and artificial like food coloring items and more ( Dark blue color by sign )
These foods are basically the source or origins of most food systems or diets in the world in the past, now, and most likely in the futures.
Most other food systems or diets are made by some percentages of these 4 kinds of Foods. if anyone search, ask, study, learn, practice and become familiar with these 4 types of foods, going to adjust and balance his or her foods for 80 or 100 years of lifetime succefuly and satifactory.
In most of 4 Seasons shows and markets these foods, information and education going to be available in 4 hours, one hour for each level.
By having Schedules for most of the 3 main meals ( breakfasts, lunches, dinners ), ( 3 snakes, morning, afternoon and evening snakes ). by smartphone apps specially going to remind persons the most liked in the past few hundred times or past few year almost 75% of foods and drinks going to be known for next 100 years of lifetime nuretionments
blenders are the smartest food processor human kinds created
Smart handy blenders or smart shaker’s
smart dishes
Smart dishes are any dishes witch can keep foods or anything inside them better, longer, safer,
[ their are many types of air vacuums now in the market witch by vacuuming air out are the best for now, they can help save foods for very long times. smart dishes each year getting better and smarter. The next best are those witch have one adjustable open and close whole in top and every one can by separately vacuum tub like the one use for bicycles 10 to 20 to 30 centimetre long but works two ways, to make air or to vacuum air
air tide, waterproof, smell …,
bacilly keeps food few day to few weeks or 1 to 4 to 7 to 14 to 30 day and more or %10 to %50 to 100 to %1000 longer%sp
fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs, greens, dairy, milk, yogurts, cheese, butter, eggs, meats, seafoods, most of cooked foods, juice, smoothies, mostly all kinds of foods. right now locally and globally %50 and more foods wasted and put in garbage .
using smart dishes can save %10 to %20 plus of foods in levels of society personal, family, business, organizations, nationally and internationally. 7.8 billion people usually have 3 meal a day [ breakfast, lunch, and dinners ] 3*7.8 = around 24 billion meal plus 3 times snack [ morning snacks around 10 to 11 am, afternoon snacks around 4 pm and evening or night snacks around 8 or 9 pm ] 3 time to 7.8 = around 24 billion snacks
20 to 25 billion meal and 20 to 25 billion snacks = 40 to 50 billion eating foods a day [ saving %10 to %20 is about 5 to 10 billion snack or meal a day ] saving %10 to %20 is about 5 to 10 billion foods a day or almost 1 of 6 times eating from saved foods
[ time to creat foods and time to works and make, and spend money on foods, buying, caring, making or cooking foods and extra garbage to wast plus energy, ellectricity, gas oil, and machinery for transportation’s and human energy to wast can be saved or use them right for better living by upgrading and using smart dishes }
plus around 6 time drinking water, tea’s, coffees, juices or other liquid that about 6 time 7.8 = around 20 to 25 billion drinks a day
Living healthy 100 years plus story
[ Top 10 needs for personal, family, countries and global healthy living for 100 plus or global centenarians age, like now few billion seniors living from 2000 to 2100, soon 4 billion plus living centenarian from 2100 + to all future of humanity ]
1+ Asking about Smart Rosy and Rosalind from the First Folio book of Shakespeare: as you like it! in 1 to 4 language and more Also asking about learning any 1 to 4 languages and more or English plus French, Spanish, Portuguese, or any others [ English as a global and one language with official schools, high schools and universities [ $10b/ online ]
2+ In the information age, Asking for the best information from 100 libraries, books, ebooks, videos, web sites, apps, supercomputers plus professionals, experts in healthy aging for centenarians and reading, watching, listening, and learning them for 100 years healthy living[ $10 b/+%80% 100%+ online ]
3+ Foods, drinks and nutrition information, education, plans and schedules by pros and smartphone apps for everyone and foods and drinks for all students [ plus information and classes online]$10+billion+
4+ Four seasons gardening plus water and drinking water, fire and energy, air and breathing, soil and foods information, education, plans and schedules by pros for everyone $10+billion+ 80% actual only education %80+ online
5+ Digital files by Drs and health professional and supercomputer healthy diagnose and recommendations for 100+ year healthy living, for everyone plus… $10+billion+ online
6+ Genetics info and Yearly Centenarians 100+do 100- and do not exams and recommendations by Dr $10+billion+ online
7+ Universal Health care + Dental care, eye care [ eye glasses ]
and ear care [ hearing aids ] for everyone $10+billion [+ % 30 online checkup, test and orders ]
8+ Work , job, business or volunteer job for everyone by choose for 100 years plus [$10+billion+%50+ online ]
9+ Activity’s, exercises and sports for everyone by choose $10+billion+ %100 physical [ with online classes ]
10+ All other needs [ social welfare or…. [ $10+billion+ = +$100 billions plus+ %50+ online ? ]
[ by asking and using +70%80%90%100 local or national professional, business , products, services, foods, drinks, equipment’s ]
[ For any person, family, companies, organizations, cities, states, countries and global earth. ]
from 1 person to 4 to 10 to 100 to 1000 to 10/000 to 100/000 to 1000/000 to 10/000/000 to 100/000/000 costs are 100 to 200 billion to start and 10 to 20 to 30 billion to 50 to 100 billion dollars a year or 100 million time 1000 dollars per person a year 100 billion plus
to 1 b 4 billions 7.8 billions peoples
[ for everyone means for everyone who understands information intellectually and realizes his or her needs, wants, interest, likes or loves but by personal desire, choose, will and agreements for %100 for any reasons ( not -0- a legal obligation or any kinds of pressures }
Best 100 Centenarian Healthy lifestyle Information, Books, Foods, Gifts, Products and Services plus lots of Promotional Contents, Free for all Visitors
These Information, Products, and Services are some of the best results of human prays, desires, and try for living healthy and long for more than 100 years. They are the best result and achievements of more than 100 billion humans being lived in the past 100/000 years and especially in the last 100 years. They have abundant value but the cost for humanity is in the 100s billion dollars. Last 100 years humans spend 100’s billion dollars and in the next 100 years going to cost more.
these are free for all visitors to read, watch, listen to multimedia contents and also have a interactive experiences.
( 4 Seasons Gardeners centenarians club, membership area is in developments coming in the next few years, now is free for all visitors but anyone interested, can apply to reserve places, for any level but for now, is free to all visitors . )
4 Seasons Gardeners centenarians info membership fees:
Free for all visitors now at:
1+ 100 penny or $1 dollar a year ( for becoming official member and access to members area )
2+ $100 dollar a year ( for becoming an official member and access to the member’s area )( for receiving monthly and seasonal newsletter )
3+ $100/000 a year for ( for becoming an official member and access to the member’s area )( for receiving monthly and seasonal newsletter ) ( plus custom made special reports and info for one person )
4+ $100/000/000 ( $100 million ) for 100 years plus life long membership
( for receiving monthly and seasonal newsletter ) ( plus custom made special reports and info for one person) ( plus 100+ longevity specialist, experts and supercomputer yearly checkups, tests, and recommendations ) [ lon-gev-ity]
( 4 Seasons Gardeners centenarians info membership area is in developments coming in the next few years, but anyone interested, can apply to reserve places for any level. )
but for now free for all visitors now at:
By the people
For the people
With the people
in the people
1+ Agriculture age people, gardeners, farmers, all growers + all foods industry like all food workers, supermarkets, groceries, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. water, fire, air, soil, spri ngs, summaries, fall, winters people
2+ industrial age people from industrial ages, all workers and business
3+ people from information ages, teachers, librarians, computer programmers, internet makers
4+ longevity and centenarians, health foodist, Drs, nurses, pharmacist, health pro, health-minded people, health foods self help writers and pros
health-related products and services plus their producers
four seasons shows, party, market, exhibitions,
4 time a year at first of spring summers, falls, winters first day
from 6am to 12 pm earth, agriculture, farmers markets,
from 12 pm to 6 pm Sun and sunshine energy, fire, electricity,
from 6 pm to 12 am moon, full moon night, moonlight all about moon shows
from 12 am to 6 am stars, sky, galaxies, universe and multiverse shows
four seasons shows, party, market, exhibitions,
4 time a year at first of spring summers, falls, winters first day
from 6am to 12 pm earth, agriculture, farmers markets,
always %51+ for seasonal and rest for other 3 seasonal
around 25% for water and spring gardening
around %25% for fire, energy or sunshine and summer gardening
around %25 for air and weather and fall, Autumn gardening
around %25 for land, souls, foods, and winters gardening
4 types of civilized human being and humans civilizations
4 types of civilized human being and humans civilizations base on:
wanting to learn information to know and become able to organize and use 1+ self, 2+ water, 3+ air, 4+ energy, 5+ soil, 6+ planets, 7+ stars and 8+ galaxies 9+ spaces 10+ Times
type 1+ wants to learn information and knows self and how to be able to organize and use his or her, body, mind, feeling and spirit and body water, energies, air and body physics
type 2+ wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets: water, energies, weather, soil, and four seasons gardening agriculture + discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
type 3+ wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets and stars: water, energies, weather, soil and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
type 4 + wants to learn information and knows how to be able to organize and use, planets, stars and galaxies: water, energies, weather and soil and 1+ to 4+ to 10+ seasons gardening plus discovers many laws and creates all kinds of tools for muli usage plus one central computer to control all
[ information is key and main or most impotent necessary thing witch fortunately now is the information age, and information increasing or doubling each day or week or month or seasons or year or hopefully each season going to be more information and even products and services plus interested and informed people about Water, fire, air, and soil and related products and services ]
Four seasons gardens agriculture markets, shows and exhibitions plus
Four seasons gardens, spring, water, flowers and roses
Four seasons gardens summer sunshine energy, fruits, vegetables
Four seasons gardens fall autumn air, weather all kinds foods
Four seasons gardens winter, soils, foods,
with the best and newest
from 6 am to 12 pm all about earth and gardens foods shows
from 12 pm to 6 pm all about sunshine energies shows
from 6 pm to 12 am all about full moon shows
from 12 am to 6 am all about star and sky shows
each year 4 shows and 24 hr events
every 10 years 40 shows and 24 hr events
Each 100 year 400 shows and 24 hr events
for any centenarian human maximums, 400 seasonal four seasons gardens show possibility and 400 days and nights or 24 hr shows
each month 1 Fullmoon event
each year 10 or 12 full moon night shows and 24 hr events.
every 10 years 100 or 120 shows and 24 hr events
Each 100 year 1000 or 1200 shows and 24 hr events
for any centenarian max 1000 to 1200 monthly full moon, four seasons gardens show possibility and opportunities for 1200 days and nights or 24 hr shows and agree to enjoy days and nights
1+2+3+4+ or 1234 caring, loving, helping, joining, people or groups, or exports or professionals participant talented and skillful nominated are:
1+ all people in agriculture age, with their best products and service food growing, distributing, serving like Gardeners, farmers, packagers, drivers, business or pro exports, sales with their roses and flowers, honey, and pears
2+ all industrial age with their best products and service working and business and exports and prof, in working tools to smartphone
3+ all people from the ( information age ) with their best products and service, like librarians, teachers, writers, artist ….
4+ all people from ( health and long livity age 100+ or centenarian 4sgardener centenarian ages witch hop ) with their best products and service like health care persons and professionals, nurses, doctors, pharmacist, alternative fully coming soon, health care
all other people and pros with their best products and service which they have or make their own shows and exhibitions around the same days or nights or area can invite or put free transportation free or with a discount or full prices can join and benefits from 4 seasons events
everyone how is interested to join
the guides and organizers for 4sg events are librarians, weather pros or weathermen, and women, showmen and announcers, plus security guards if necessary depends on areas,
100 bi foods 1+1+billion foods a day
100 bi books+
100+b gifts
100+ plus other products and services
4to 8 b people
1b + water people
1b+ enegy, fire, sunshine groups
1b+ air and weathers intersted groups
1b+ spoil s and foods
or mix or change
1+ Agriculture age people, gardeners, farmers, all growers + all foods industry like all food workers, supermarkets, groceries, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. water, fire, air, soil, springs, summaries, fall, winters people
2+ industrial age people from industrial ages, all workers and business
3+ people from information ages, teachers, librarians, computer programmers, internet makers
4+ longevity and centenarians, health foodist, Drs, nurses, pharmacist, health pro, health-minded people, health foods self help writers and pros
health-related products and services plus their producers
four seasons shows, party, market, exhibitions,
4 time a year at first of spring summers, falls, winters first day
from 6am to 12 pm earth, agriculture, farmers markets,
from 12 pm to 6 pm Sun and sunshine energy, fire, electricity,
from 6 pm to 12 am moon, full moon night, moonlight all about moon shows
from 12 am to 6 am stars, sky, galaxies, universe and multiverse shows
four seasons shows, party, market, exhibitions,
4 time a year at first of spring summers, falls, winters first day
from 6am to 12 pm earth, agriculture, farmers markets,
always %51+ for seasonal and rest for other 3 seasonal
around 25% for water and spring gardening
around %25% for fire, energy or sunshine and summer gardening
around %25 for air and weather and fall, Autumn gardening
around %25 for land, souls, foods, and winters gardening
Utopia From Wikipedia
A utopia ( yoo-TOH-pee-ə) is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. The term was coined by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the south Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America. The opposite of a utopia is a dystopia, which dominates the fictional literature.
A utopia focuses on equality in such categories as economics, government and justice (a non-exhaustive list), with the method and structure of proposed implementation varying based on ideology. Lyman Tower Sargent argues that utopia’s nature is inherently contradictory because societies are not homogeneous and have desires which conflict and therefore cannot simultaneously be satisfied.
According to Sargent:
There are socialist, capitalist, monarchical, democratic, anarchist, ecological, feminist, patriarchal, egalitarian, hierarchical, racist, left-wing, right-wing, reformist, free love, nuclear family, extended family, gay, lesbian and many more utopias [ Naturism, Nude Christians, …] Utopianism, some argue, is essential for the improvement of the human condition. But if used wrongly, it becomes dangerous. Utopia has an inherent contradictory nature here.
The word utopia was coined from Ancient Greek by Sir Thomas More in 1516. “Utopia” comes from Greek: οὐ (“not”) and τόπος (“place”) which translates as “no-place” and literally means any non-existent society, when ‘described in considerable detail’. However, in standard usage, the word’s meaning has shifted and now usually describes a non-existent society that is intended to be viewed as considerably better than contemporary society.
[ Kim Stanley Robinson is an American writer of science fiction. He has published nineteen novels and numerous short stories but is best known for his Mars trilogy. In 1974, he earned a B.A. in literature from the University of California, San Diego. In 1975, he earned an M.A. in English from Boston University. so Kim has one of the best knowledge and education in the English language. His work has been translated into 24 languages. Many of his novels and stories have ecological, cultural, and political themes and feature scientists as heroes. in some of his science fiction stories are,
![Covers of the Mars trilogy](
Covers of the Mars trilogy
Green Mars, Red Mars, Blue Mars, or Aurora. Aurora is a 2015 novel by American science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson. The novel concerns a generation ship built in the style of a Stanford torus traveling to Tau Ceti in order to begin a human colony. The novel’s primary narrating voice is the starship’s artificial intelligence.
A generation ship is launched from Saturn in 2545 at 10% c (i.e. traveling at 108,000,000 km/hr or 10% the speed of light). It includes twenty-four self-contained biomes and an average population of two thousand people. One hundred sixty years and approximately seven generations later, it is beginning its deceleration into the Tau Ceti system to begin colonization of a planet’s moon, an Earth analog, which has been named Aurora. Read more: Kim Stanley Robinson From Wikipedia
So Kim Stanley Robinson has the best knowledge and education in the English language. Kim has to spend unlimited money in the story to make starship and traveling possible to other Star in our galaxy.
Or Isaac Asimov in his 100s of science fiction expands abundant money as well as Star War and Star Trek movies and series, Shakespeare in his book Firs Folio. Usually writers especially science fiction writers spend unlimited dream money in their stories. So here we going to spend abundant story money or dream money in 4 Seasons Gardening Stories, but more down to earth and much less, but still in 1000 of billion dollars, to help readers understan better.
4 Seasons Gardening Financial story
In this, more down to earth four seasons gardening, science fiction story, to make it more achievable by making limited and possible ideas, goals, planes, times, schedules, budgets, working hours with people involves, and going to do works and makes dreams come true as much as possible.
Foe examples choosing easy to remember budget to invest and spend wisely with smart planning like these.
4 Season Gardening plan are for next 400 years from year 2000 to 2020 to 2100, year 2200 , 2300 and year 2400.
For each year $1000 billion dollars or 1 trillion dollars and $400/000 billion or 400 trillion story money or dream money investment or budget for the next 400 years of 4 season gardening each year $1000 billion dollars.
$100/000 billion or 100 trillion dollars on water and drinking water and research and development.
$100/000 billion or 100 trillion dollars on fire and sunshine energy and research and development.
$100/000 billion or 100 trillion dollars on air and weather and research and development.
$100/000 billion or 100 trillion dollars on soil and foods and research and development.
That’s $400/000 billion dollars for 400 years, each year 1000 billion dollars, every 100 years or century $100/000 billion dollars. ( is about 4 times global GDP in year, or 4 times of GDP of any and all 200 countries or 1000s times of all gold in the world out of nature in the use and safety of human )
1+ First $100/000 billion for the first century or 21 century, each year $1000 billion dollars
2+ Second $100/000 billion for the second century or 22 century each year $1000 billion dollars
3+ Third $100/000 billion for the third century or 23 century each year $1000 billion dollars
4+ Fourth $100/000 billion for the fourth century or 24 century each year $1000 billion dollars
From the year 2000 to 2020, there is $20/000 billion-dollar or 20 trillion dollars story money remains to invest or spend,
and from the year 2021 to 2024 going to be $4000 billion or 4 trillion dollars story money to invest or spend and to the year 2030 about 30 and year 2045 around $45000 billion or 45 trillion dollars story money or just dream money to invest or spend until the United Nation 100 anniversary. ( But in the real world, UN, 2030 development goals budgets forecast are $30 to 40 trillion dollars real money, and mostly official )
by 4s gardening, by abundet water, energy, food, air, info, human, +100 best
spring 10 to 20, fal 10 to 20 winter 5to 10 and 400%+ in crease in food production = agrcu 20t80trl =10bl100tn=1000bln ton2000bl/tn in user +production ?2 time4time= century
++++ › wiki › Isaac_Asimov
Isaac Asimov was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University. He was known for his works of science fiction and popular science.
100 + 1 green 0 ylo 0 red +blue
anyone or any where
as cent 4sg and
====+HTML clipboard 100+
+++++HTML clipboard 100+
from 4sg home
Best 21+ Ideal
21 Century, ( 21 English Alphabet for 21 Century with more then 4 billion English speaking humans ),
Best 22+ ( The best temperature for human being { 21, 22, 23, 24 Celsius Temperature }
{ 2021 Spring year and 21st Century, Spring Century,
2022 Summer year and 2200 Century, Summer Century,
2023 fall year and 2300 Century, Fall Century,
2024 Winter year and 2400 Century Winter Century }
and all to gather 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Four Seasons year and 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400 Four Seasons Centuries For all humans, global environment and history.
Best 23+
Best 24+
( Best ideal of human age in 100th year plus 21 year old, 22 year old, 23 year old, 24 year old age,
at 21 finish education,
22 starts working or business,
23 be married,
24 have a kid
An example of ideal is a home with three bedrooms to house a family with two parents and two children.
The best ideal years of life human wants to be kept are 20 and 30 years old age with vitality, feeling, energy, strength for all 80 or 100 plus years of life, For 50th, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100+ age plus gaining, more knowledge, experience, wisdom, insight, caring, loving, helping and serving self, family, others plus higher purpose.
Also becoming Father and Mother, GrandFather and Mother, plus Grant, GrandFather, Grand, grant GrandFather, and mother, ideal centenarian, four seasons gardeners family are 4 grant parents and 4 grant children always in the living family )
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roses secret and mystery , mystics [ Sacred Roses, The Mystic Rose Garden, Mystical Rose (Mysterious,
Amazon.comTHE SECRET ROSE GARDEN, an unexplained or inexplicable event, phenomenon,
a person or thing that arouses curiosity or suspense because of an unknown, obscure, or enigmatic quality
A religious truth that is incomprehensible to reason and knowable only through divine revelation.
anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained or unknown: the mysteries of nature.
a person or thing having qualities that arouse curiosity or speculation: The masked guest was a mystery to everyone.
mystery – something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained; “how it got out is a mystery”; “it remains one of nature’s secrets” mystery story
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Plant Them in Mass
English roses have complex, delicious fragrances. Combine their many different colors, forms and textures to create striking beds and borders. Chose dainty, single flowers or multi-petaled cups that resemble peonies.
Rose water
copy – Rose water is a liquid byproduct of the rose plant, usually Rosa damascena — or the Damask rose. The name spawns from the plant’s origins in Iran, though it is now heavily cultivated in India, Turkey, Bulgaria and other areas of Europe.
The plant was originally used by ancient Persians for its health and beauty benefits (in addition to religious uses). The multitude of positive side effects have given the rose, in some eyes, the certification of a miracle food.
Rose Water: Benefits and Uses
Hydrates the Skin
De-frizzes and Strengthens Hair
Opens the Respiratory Passages
Creates Calming Effects
Aids Oral Health
- Soothes skin irritation.
- Soothes sore throats.
- Reduces skin redness.
- Helps prevent and treats infections.
- Contains antioxidants.
- Heals cuts, scars, and burns.
- Enhances mood.
- Relieves headaches.
- Produces Anti-Inflammatory Effects
- Soothes digestion problems
- Has anti-aging properties copy-
- +++
The Blissful Benefits of Rose
Stop and smell the roses…
There is a very good reason we use this saying when we want someone to pause, take a moment and look at the brighter side of things. Roses have health benefits that can play a very integral role in this process.
For thousands of years, Ayurvedic healers have been using the rose plant in herbal remedies, teas, oils and skincare formulations. It can be used as dried, preserved, juiced, distilled, or a as powder or tincture.
According to Ayurveda, rose primarily balances sadhaka pitta, the subdosha of pitta that governs the emotions and how it impacts the heart. It also allows for better communication between sadhaka pitta and prana vata, the subdosha of vata that governs the mind, breath, respiratory channels, lung and throat. Rose soothes the heart and emotions and can assist in healing from past griefs so that one can move on and enjoy the present moment.
Rose has cooling health benefits, yet also kindles agni, and in moderation is ideal for all three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. It is especially beneficial during the hot summer months for those that tend to get pitta imbalance, however, can be used throughout the year to balance sadhaka pitta.
In addition, there are medicinal properties of the rose that have positive effects on bhrajaka pitta, the subdosha of pitta that governs the skin. It has a cooling effect on the blood which can help prevent skin issues such as acne and rashes.
There are many ailments for which rose is recommended in the Ayurvedic tradition and there is now increasing science that backs up these claims.
Potential rose health benefits 1,2:
- Balances hormones (including amenorrhea)
- Reduces inflammation of the eyes and skin
- Soothes sore throats and coughs
- Promotes restful and peaceful sleep
- Cools the gastrointestinal tract
- Soothes nervous, angry and sad emotions
- May reduce wrinkles and slow down skin aging
- May reduce pain due to its analgesic effects
- Has strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties
- Reduces blood glucose levels
- Has neuroprotective properties
- Has antioxidant activity
You can find rose in many types of products that can be used internally or externally such as:
- Rose essential oil (great for aromatherapy and for use in beauty products)
- Rose water (delicious in food and beverage recipes as well as to soothe the skin)
- Rose hydrosol (a cooling and hydrating skin toner)
- Rose petal jam (a sweet uplifting treat)
- Rose tea (wonderful benefits for soothing the mind, heart and throat)
- Rose powder (useful in herbal formulas, skin products and culinary recipes)
It’s important to always look for organic rose products as toxins from pesticides can cause more inflammation in the body.
Try our delicious Rose Bliss Balls as a sweet treat for yourself and those you love!
Rose water From Wikipedia,
Rose water is a flavoured water made by steeping rose petals in water. Additionally, it is the hydrosol portion of the distillate of rose petals, a by-product of the production of rose oil for use in perfume. It is used to flavour food, as a component in some cosmetic and medical preparations, and for religious purposes throughout Europe and Asia.
![Golab being make in Meymand - Fars 21.jpg](
Rose water is produced manually in Meymand city, capital of Meymand, Firuzabad, Fars, Iran
![Golab being make in Qamsar - Kashan 20.jpg](
![Golab being make in Meymand - Fars 11.jpg](
![Golab being make in Qamsar - Kashan 18.jpg](
Cosmetic and medicinal use
In medieval Europe, rose water was used to wash hands at a meal table during feasts. Rose water is a usual component of perfume. A rose water ointment is occasionally used as an emollient, and rose water is sometimes used in cosmetics such as cold creams, toners and face wash. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a good tool against skin disorders such as Rosacea and eczema.
Some people in India also use rose water as a spray applied directly to the face as a perfume and moisturizer, especially during the winter; it is often sprinkled in Indian weddings to welcome guests.
12th century rosewater bottle from Iran (silver with gold and niello, Freer Art Gallery)
Since ancient times, roses have been used medicinally, nutritionally, and as a source of perfume. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Phoenicians considered large public rose gardens to be as important as croplands such as orchards and wheat fields.
Rose perfumes are made from rose oil, also called attar of roses, which is a mixture of volatile essential oils obtained by steam-distilling the crushed petals of roses. Rose water is a by-product of this process. The cultivation of various fragrant flowers for obtaining perfumes, including rose water, may date back to Sassanid Persia, where it was known as golāb (Middle Persian: گلاب), from gul (rose) and ab (water). The term was adopted into Byzantine Greek as zoulápin. The process of creating rose water through steam distillation was refined by Persian and Arab chemists in the medieval Islamic world which led to more efficient and economic uses for perfumery industries.
![A small manufactory of rose water in Kashan, Iran](
A small manufactory of rose water in Kashan, Iran
It is sometimes added to lemonade, and often added to water to mask unpleasant odours and flavours found in tap water.
In South Asian cuisine, rose water is a common ingredient in sweets such as laddu, gulab jamun, and peda; and is also used to flavour milk, lassi, rice pudding, and other dairy dishes.
In Malaysia and Singapore, sweet red-tinted rose water is mixed with milk, making a sweet pink drink called bandung.
American and European bakers often used rose water until the 19th century, when vanilla became popular. It is used in Waverly Jumbles. In Yorkshire, rose water has long been used as a flavouring for the regional specialty, Yorkshire curd tart. In Iran, it is added to tea, ice cream, cookies, and other sweets in small quantities.
In Middle Eastern cuisines, rosewater is used heavily in many dishes, especially in sweets such as nougat, gumdrops, baklava, and Turkish delight (Rahat lokum). Marzipan has long been flavoured with rose water. In Cyprus, Mahaleb‘s Cypriot version known as μαχαλεπί, uses rose water (ροδόσταγμα). Rose water is frequently used as a halal substitute for red wine and other alcohols in cooking. The Premier League offer a rose water-based beverage as an alternative for champagne when awarding Muslim players. In accordance with the ban on alcohol consumption in Islamic countries, rose water is used instead of champagne on the podium of the Bahrain Grand Prix and Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
Religious uses
Rose water is used in the religious ceremonies of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity (in the Eastern Orthodox Church)—Zoroastrianism, and Baha’i Faith (in Kitab-i-Aqdas 1:76).
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