Best 100 Books, eBooks, Information, Gifts, Products and Services
plus lots of Promotional Contents Free for all Visitors
Golden Rule
Treat others as you would like others to treat you
Treat others with your best or even best 100,
as you would like others Treat you with their best or even their best 100
and Make the World Best Place to Live, Learn, Work and Socialize
now and up to the 2045 United Nation best 100th Anniversary
Best 1+ Best of all and Best of everything
Best 2+
Best 3+
Best 4+ Four Seasons Garden Plus
Best 5+ Roses and Flowers Gardens
Best 6+ Smart eBooks Reading information
Best 7+ Best 100 plus info
Best 8+
Best 9+ Vision 2020 plus info
Best 10+ ( Best 100 Smart Natural Health Foods )
Best 100 Smart Natural Health Foods, Books, eBooks,
Products, Services, Gifts, and Information plus
TIME 100 Most Healing Foods: +20 Delicious Recipes Kindle Edition
by The Editors of TIME (Author)
![TIME 100 Most Healing Foods: +20 Delicious Recipes by [The Editors of TIME]](
Single Issue Magazine $13.99
Put these 100 powerful foods to work for you.
That we need food to survive is evident, but it is also becoming increasingly clear that what we choose to eat can either harm or heal us. In an age where the vast majority of American adults fail to eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables a day, it is impossible to overstate the impact that food has on our livelihood. It has been used as medicine for hundreds of years and different cultures have long-standing cures and corrections for everyday ailments-in fact, many doctors prescribe fruits and vegetables for better health!
This new Special Edition from TIME presents 100 foods that will help bolster your health in unique ways. Some protect against cancer (think broccoli, turnips, and eggplant) and anti-inflammatory disorders (more reasons to enjoy pineapples, mushrooms, and swiss chard), while others ease cold symptoms and digestive issues. And because cooking gives us control over what we put in our bodies, there are also 20 creative recipes and simple tips for how to enjoy each of these foods (for instance, a flavorful Feta Herb Edamame Succotash). TIME’s 100 Most Healing Foods proves that filling our plates with colorful fruits and vegetables, power proteins, grains, nuts, and spices can set us up for long-term health and happiness!
Best 11+
Best 12+
Best 13+
Best 14+
Best 15+
Best 16+ Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Click here to read about at: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Click here to read more about 30 articles at:

Best 17+ Best 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – The United Nations 2030 Agenda
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Best 18+
Best 19+
Best 20+ #Envision2030: Best 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the United Nations
Vision 2020 plus eye care
(This site is in development, coming soon )
Best 21+
21 Century, ( 21 English Alphabet for 21 Century with more then 4 billion English speaking humans ),
Best 22+ ( The best temperature for human being { 21, 22, 23, 24 Celsius Temperature }
2021 Spring year and 21st Century, Spring Century,
2022 Summer year and 2200 Century, Summer Century,
2023 Fall year and 2300 Century, Fall Century,
2024 Winter year and 2400 Century Winter Century.
and all to gather 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 Four Seasons year and 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400 Four Seasons Centuries For all humans, global environment, and history.
Best 23+
Best 24+
( Best of human age in 100th year plus 21 year old, 22 year old, 23 year old, 24 year old age,
at 21 finish education,
at 22 starts working or business,
at 23 be married,
at 24 have a kid
and the best years of life human wants to be kept are 20 and 30 years old age vitality, feeling, energy, strength for all 80 or 100 plus years of human life, For 50th, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100+ age. Gaining, more knowledge, experience, wisdom, and insight. Also becoming Father and Mother, GrandFather and Mother, plus Grant, GrandFather, Grand, grant GrandFather, and mother )
Best 25+
Best 26+
Best 27+
Best 28+
Best 29+
Best 30+
Best 100 Classical Music, Masterworks for Reading | Mozart Beethoven Chopin Schubert Haydn
Best 31+
Best 32+
Best 33+
Best 34+
Best 35+
Best 36+
Best 37+
Best 38+
Best 39+
Best 40+ Lists of 100 best books
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Many publishers have lists of 100 best books, defined by their own criteria. This article enumerates some lists of “100 best” books for which there are fuller articles.
Among them, Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels (Xanadu, 1985) and Modern Fantasy: The 100 Best Novels (Grafton, 1988) are collections of 100 short essays by a single author, David Pringle, with moderately long critical introductory chapters also by Pringle. For publisher Xanadu, Science Fiction was the first of four ”100 Best” books published from 1985 to 1988. The sequels covered crime and mystery, horror, and fantasy.
Read more :
Best 100 Books To Read In A Lifetime: Books –
So many books, so little time. With this in mind, the Amazon Books editors set out to compile a list of 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime. We had a few goals when we started out: We wanted the list to cover all stages of a life (which is why you’ll find children’s books in here), and we didn’t want the list to feel like homework. Of course, no such list can be comprehensive – our lives, we hope, are long and varied – but we talked and argued and sifted and argued some more and came up with a list, our list, of favorites. What do you think? How did we do?
49 Breathtaking Libraries From All Over The World

44. Central Public Library — Vancouver, Canada
Top 20 Most Beautiful Libraries in the World by Check Facts 360
List of largest libraries
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This sortable list of largest libraries includes libraries that, as measured in 2008 or subsequently, store 15 million or more items
162 Of The Most Majestic Libraries In The World
hough they are losing ground to the e-book and the audiobook, public libraries were once central hubs of human intellectual progress. There’s something about them that still attracts people, however – whether it’s their magnificent historical buildings or the unmistakable smell of old books and dust, scholars and bookworms alike still enjoy perusing their hoards of literary treasures.
Because of their critical importance, libraries were often built to be beautiful and built to last. Combined with the sometimes priceless book collections that they hold, their simultaneously enormous and intimate spaces possess a charm that no other type of building can command.
If you know of any other beautiful libraries that should be celebrated by all the book lovers, then please add them to this list. You can vote for your favorite houses of knowledge as well!
#1 The National Library Of Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Look, see and read about all at:
Best 41+
Best 42+
Best 43+
Best 44+
Best 45+ and Best 100+ UN Launches Public Consultation on Global Vision for 2045
Global vision for the year 2045, the 100th anniversary of the creation of the UN
The UN Secretariat has announced it is organizing a public consultation to generate a global vision for the year 2045, the 100th anniversary of the creation of the UN. The process aims to improve international institutions to meet the aspirations reflected in the 2030 Agenda and bolster the environment for international cooperation.
Beginning in January 2020, the UN will convene dialogues around the world with “all segments and generations of society,” with a particular focus on listening to youth and marginalized groups.
The consultation will focus on three areas: Defining the future we want, looking towards 2045; Identifying global megatrends leading the world away from that vision; and Ideas for improving global cooperation.
The views collected will feed into Guterres’ presentation to UN Member States at the anniversary commemoration in September 2020.
Rather than changing public opinion, “we should be letting public opinion change us.”
Read more
Global vision for the year 2045, the 100th anniversary of the creation of the UN
2045: A New Era for Humanity2045 Initiative
In February of 2012 the first Global Future 2045 Congress was held in Moscow. There, over 50 world leading scientists from multiple disciplines met to develop a strategy for the future development of humankind. One of the main goals of the Congress was to construct a global network of scientists to further research on the development of cybernetic technology, with the ultimate goal of transferring a human’s individual consciousness to an artificial carrier.
Peter Diamandis: A future of Abundance – Docu – 2013 vpro documentary While the world is in crisis, there is a man who thinks the future is as bright as it can be. Peter Diamandis, author of the book Abundance and co-founder of Singularity University, sees how technology can soon provide all basic needs such as energy, clean drinking water and food for the growing world population, with ease. Original title: Overvloed But the ideas of Peter Diamandis go beyond specific technological solutions. He sees a world in which technological developments will be moving at an ever higher rate. As in the field of healthcare, where the use of data and smartphones make it possible to monitor one’s health, not once in a while, but constant. The consequences of this are hardly visible to many. This documentary explores the world of ever faster growing technological development, in which major changes can happen overnight, and investigates if technological developments that are just around the corner will be able to solve the world’s major problems within the next 20 to 30 years. Will we soon live in a world of abundance?
Best 46+
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Best 100+ UN Launches Public Consultation on Global Vision for 2045
Global vision for the year 2045, the 100th anniversary of the creation of the UN
The UN Secretariat has announced it is organizing a public consultation to generate a global vision for the year 2045, the 100th anniversary of the creation of the UN. The process aims to improve international institutions to meet the aspirations reflected in the 2030 Agenda and bolster the environment for international cooperation.
Beginning in January 2020, the UN will convene dialogues around the world with “all segments and generations of society,” with a particular focus on listening to youth and marginalized groups.
The consultation will focus on three areas: Defining the future we want, looking towards 2045; Identifying global megatrends leading the world away from that vision; and Ideas for improving global cooperation.
The views collected will feed into Guterres’ presentation to UN Member States at the anniversary commemoration in September 2020.
Rather than changing public opinion, “we should be letting public opinion change us.”
Read more
Global vision for the year 2045, the 100th anniversary of the creation of the UN
Centenarian Info:
Best 100 Related Books, Foods, Gifts, Products, Services and Information For Healthy lifestyle, Seniors, Centenarian plus
![TIME Secrets of Living Longer by [The Editors Of TIME]](
TIME Secrets of Living Longer Kindle Edition
by The Editors Of TIME (Author)
Single Issue Magazine $13.99 Kindle from $6.99
The editors of TIME reveal the new data on how best to live, not just a longer, but also a happier life. Join TIME to find out what diet helps people live the longest, to learn if brain games can keep your mind young, and to discover the latest news from the frontiers of longevity.
- Learn how your outlook can change how you age – at the cellular level.
- Find out why married people really do live longer.
- Discover the truth about a modern antiaging elixir.
List of the verified oldest people 100+ Centenarians
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or
Lists of the 100 known verified oldest people 100 years plus aged, sorted in descending order by age in years and days
Lists of centenarians From Wikipedia
The following is a list of lists of well documented famous centenarians by categorized occupation, that are therein known for reasons other than their longevity.
Longevity myths From Wikipedia
Longevity myths are traditions about long-lived people from 100 to 1000 year plus

100 YEAR LIFEWhy we get nicer as we get older BBC


Best 100 Beautiful Worship Songs 2020 – 2 Hours Nonstop Christian Gospel Songs 2020 – Pray The Lord
2017 Thanks for watching Israel Agriculture Technology Here are the top most exotic and strange fruits from around the Subscribe to watch more: . Top 100 Amazing Food Art Ideas Strange fruits – You Can’t Imagine Top 100 Amazing Food Art Ideas Strange fruits – You Can’t Imagine Top 100 Amazing Food .
Grow 100+ Fruit trees on backyard IV Organic Consider growing fruits that are not readily available at most grocery stores, such as Jabuticaba Fruit, Pakistan Mulberry, Trisha Dragon Fruit, Babylonian White Pomegranate, White Sapote, Pitaya & Pitahaya, Rose Apple Trees (Syzygium jambos) among many, many other fruit trees that you will see & virtually taste as we tour Edgar Valdivia’s rare fruit urban food forest!
The 10 Largest Forests on Earth
Atlas Pro Forests are some of the important ecosystems on the planet, but also some of the most threatened. In hopes of raising awareness of the issue of deforestation, here’s the 10 largest forests on Earth. If I didn’t include the “on Earth” part, this would be an entirely different list, trust me.
MetroWorld TV In this video featured the Top 10 highest Mountains In The World. #Top10#TallestMountains Mt. Everest Mt. K2 Mt. Kangchenjunga Mt. Lhotse Mt. Makalu Mt. Cho Oyu Mt. Dhaulagiri Mt. Manaslu Mt. Nanga Parbat Mt. Annapurna
List of films considered the best 100
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Citizen Kane (1941), starring and directed by Orson Welles, has topped several international polls, including five Sight & Sound critics’ polls.
This is a list of films considered “the best ever” in national and international surveys of critics and the public.
All-TIME 100 Movies
TIME’s Richard Corliss updates our All-TIME Best 100 list of the greatest films made since 1923 — the beginning of TIME
100 Best Companies to Work For
| › best-companies
Our 2019 list of the 100 best companies as ranked by their employees. See which companies made the list.
Time Magazine’s All-Time 100 Novels
Time Magazine’s All-Time best 100 English language Novels from 1923 to 2005.…

One Hundred Years of Solitude (P.S.) (Modern Classics)
by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Gregory Rabassa $28.15

His 1996 acoustic ballad “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” has become a standard and a pop cultural …
Hollywood’s 100 Favorite Films
by THR Staff
Who better to judge the best movies of all time than the people who make them? Studio chiefs, Oscar winners and TV royalty all were surveyed as THR publishes its first definitive entertainment-industry ranking of cinema’s most superlative.
Top 100 Masterpieces – World’s Most Famous Paintings
Despite the huge number of paintings that viewers have seen in museums and art galleries across the world, only a relatively miniscule number has been universally recognized as being classic. Timeless in their beauty and execution, these artworks have transcended time and artistic concepts to create history. These paintings are familiar to people of all ages and cultures as being representative of the greatest works of art ever created and will continue to resonate in the m… Show More
The 100 Best Android Apps for 2020
Not all of the Google Play store’s 2.9 million apps are worth downloading. Our picks of the best Android apps in 14 categories deserve a place on your phone.

Online learning in higher education
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or
Online learning involves courses offered by postsecondary institutions that are 100% virtual, excluding massively open online courses (MOOCs). Online learning, or virtual classes offered over the internet, is contrasted with traditional courses taken in a brick-and-mortar school building. It is the newest development in distance education that began in the mid-1990s with the spread of the internet and the World Wide Web. Learner experience is typically asynchronous, but may also incorporate synchronous elements. The vast majority of institutions utilize a Learning Management System for the administration of online courses. As theories of distance education evolve, digital technologies to support learning and pedagogy continue to transform as well.
Enroll in 100 free online courses from Coursera now through …
E-Learning, Online-learning site Coursera is offering 100 classes for free from now through December 31, 2020, to support access to online education for the one-third of people around the world who are currently under lockdown to prevent spreading the new coronavirus
Coursera is offering 100 online courses free, many of them taught by Ivy League schools or offered by companies like Google and Amazon, now through December 31.
The 100 Most Popular Online Courses of All Time (2020)
The best way to choose a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is to choose one that other people have taken and enjoyed.
Class Central has been maintaining a catalog of these MOOCs ever since they rose to popularity back in 2012. According to Class Central’s 2019 annual report on MOOCs, 110M students have taken at least one course and over 900+ universities have launched 13,500 courses.
To help learners decide which course to take, Class Central publishes a number of different rankings based on the tens of thousands of reviews written by Class Central users.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of the most popular websites worldwide according to the first 50 websites listed in the global “Top Sites” lists published by Alexa Internet, as of April 16, 2020, and SimilarWeb, as of July 2019, along with its rating on the corresponding service.
Wikipedia:Multiyear ranking of 100 most viewed pages
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Being one of the best indicators of “what the collective world is thinking about,” the list of most viewed Wikipedia pages receives wide attention in unassociated institutions and external popular media sources. University Degli Studi di Milano created an engine of the complete ranking of all Wikipedia articles for 2014–2017. In 2013, an external media source attempted to determine the 10 most popular Wikipedia pages of all time.The same year the BBC news website published an article discussing most searched Wikipedia articles in 2012 in different languages. Other versions of top-lists for shorter periods are regularly published and discussed by external popular media
The 100 Most Searched Keywords on Google in the Past Year
But knowing the biggest picture can be helpful, not only to see what’s trending based on topical interests, but also based on where things are headed – which is particularly relevant for industry and niche related terms.
List of languages by total number of speakers From Wikipedia
This is an approximate list of languages by the total number of speakers. It lists 34 languages having more than 45 million speakers.
List of 100 languages by number of native speakers From Wikipedia.

Best 100 House designs
keralahomedesign Best 100 handpicked house plans of October 2018. If you want to know the contact details of any specific designs, then look at the numbers given on each house plans and comment. (or email at keralahomedesign[a] We will give the designer contact details, who designed it.
Best Top 100 Most Luxurious Houses in the World by Elokuent TV
Top 100 Goals Scored by Legendary Football Players
Top 100 Goals Scored by Legendary Football Players ft. Ronaldinho, Roberto Carlos, Zlatan Ibrahimovic …

Golden Rule
Treat others as you would like others to treat you
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2+ Think
3+ Observe
4+ Proceed with your smart goals and plans
Before you speak, Type or Text: Think
T = Is it True?
H= Is it Helpful?
I= Is it Inspiring?
N= Is it Necessary?
K= Is it Kind?
Smart Goal
1+ Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
2+ Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
3+ Achievable – able to be reached successfully.
4+ Realistic – results can be achieved, given available resources.
5+ Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
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