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Why living with plants is good for you
Why living with and tending plants is good for you Read more at BBC the ‘plantfluencers’, and explores self-care – and the perennial appeal of …UNCATEGORIZED
Can the ‘Centenarian Olympics’ help you live longer?
Living to 100 isn’t a given, but a new concept about training for your century milestone might be able to help. Can the ‘Centenarian Olympics’ …UNCATEGORIZED
The world’s 100 most nutritious foods
From: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20180126-the-100-most-nutritious-foods After analysing more than 1,000 raw foods, researchers ranked the ingredients that provide the best balance of your daily nutritional requirements – and …UNCATEGORIZED
Shakespeare Day in the UK
Many fans and enthusiasts of William Shakespeare, who was one of England’s greatest poets and dramatists, celebrate National Shakespeare Day, also known as Shakespeare Day, …UNCATEGORIZED
Flower lover of UK
Our love of flowers might seem frivolous, but it drives a worldwide industry worth billions of pounds. While the Netherlands dominates the trade, countries